More Information About App "IsSave"

Last updated:19/09/2024
Sumino built the "IsSave" Story Saver & video Downloader - Instagram Downloader app as a Free app.

IsSave Instagram Downloader is an Android application developed in Kotlin that allows users to download photos and videos from Instagram. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to paste the URL of the Instagram post they want to download from.

Here, you'll find detailed information about our app. We're excited to share everything you need to know about it.

Manifest Permissons

This app is using the permissions given below.

Automatically Allowed:

  • INTERNET: Allows the app to access the internet.
  • ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Allows the app to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows the app to access information about networks.
  • POST_NOTIFICATIONS: Allows the app to post notifications.
  • READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED: Allows the app to read visual user-selected media.
  • FOREGROUND_SERVICE: Allows the app to create foreground services.
  • SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: Allows the app to display system-level alerts.
  • EXPAND_STATUS_BAR: Allows the app to expand or collapse the status bar.
  • BILLING: Allows the app to make in-app purchases.
  • AD_ID: Allows the app to access the advertising ID provided by Google Play services.
  • VIBRATE: Allows the app to control the vibrator.
  • WAKE_LOCK: Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.

Require Permission Dialog:

  • WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Max SDK version: 29): Allows the app to write to external storage.
  • READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Max SDK version: 32): Allows the app to read from external storage.
  • READ_MEDIA_IMAGES (Min SDK version: 33): Allows the app to read images from media.
  • READ_MEDIA_VIDEO (Min SDK version: 33): Allows the app to read videos from media.
  • CAMERA: Required for accessing the camera.
  • READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED: Allows the app to read visual user-selected media.

Dependencies and SDKs

Dependencies are used in development to include external libraries or modules into android project. These libraries contain pre-written code that provides specific functionality or features that you may need for application. Here are some reasons why we use dependencies:

  • androidx-appcompat: Provides backward compatibility for newer Android features on older devices.
  • androidx-fragment-ktx: Facilitates working with fragments in Android applications, with Kotlin extensions for easier management.
  • androidx-media3-exoplayer: Integrates the ExoPlayer media playback library into the application for audio and video content.
  • androidx-media3-exoplayer-dash: Adds support for playing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) content using ExoPlayer.
  • androidx-media3-ui: Provides UI components and widgets for controlling media playback using ExoPlayer.
  • androidx-work-runtime: Simplifies background processing tasks in Android apps with WorkManager.
  • leakcanary-android: Detects memory leaks in Android apps for improved performance and stability.
  • lottie: Enables the usage of Lottie animations in the application for dynamic visual effects.
  • material: Provides Material Design components and guidelines for designing modern user interfaces.
  • androidx-activity: Includes the androidx.activity library for implementing activities in Android apps.
  • junit: The JUnit testing framework for writing and executing unit tests in Android apps.
  • androidx-constraintlayout: Offers a flexible layout manager for designing complex user interfaces.
  • androidx-junit: Provides JUnit testing framework extensions for Android apps.
  • androidx-core-ktx: Kotlin extensions for the AndroidX core libraries, making common tasks more concise.
  • androidx-espresso-core: The Espresso testing framework for writing automated UI tests in Android apps.
  • browser: This dependency provides the androidx.browser library for handling web-related tasks in Android apps.
  • annotations: This dependency includes annotations from JetBrains for improving code readability and maintainability.
  • onesignal: This dependency integrates the OneSignal SDK for implementing push notifications in Android apps.
  • viewpager2: This dependency includes the androidx.viewpager2 library for implementing swipeable views in Android apps.
  • legacy-support-v4: This dependency provides compatibility with older versions of Android through the androidx.legacy-support-v4 library.
  • annotation: This dependency includes annotations from the androidx.annotation library for providing additional information about code elements.
  • sdp-android: This dependency includes the SDP (Scalable Density Pixel) library for handling screen sizes and densities in Android apps.
  • ssp-android: This dependency includes the SSP (Scalable Size Pixel) library for scaling sizes based on screen densities in Android apps.
  • core: This dependency provides the Google Play Core library for accessing various Google Play services and features.
  • firebase-crashlytics: This dependency integrates Crashlytics, a powerful crash reporting tool, into your Android app. It helps track and analyze app crashes to improve stability.
  • firebase-analytics: This dependency adds Firebase Analytics to app, allowing to collect and analyze user engagement and behavior data to make informed decisions about app optimization and marketing strategies.
  • firebase-config: This dependency includes Firebase Remote Config, which enables to change the behavior and appearance of app without publishing app updates. It allows to customize app features and content dynamically.
  • firebase-inappmessaging-display: This dependency integrates Firebase In-App Messaging, which enables to engage users with targeted and contextual messages while they are actively using app. It helps deliver relevant information and promotions to improve user experience.
  • firebase-messaging: This dependency adds Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to app, allowing to send push notifications and messages to users across different platforms and devices. It helps keep users informed and engaged with timely updates and notifications.
  • gson: This dependency includes Gson, a Java library for serializing and deserializing JSON objects. It simplifies the process of converting JSON data to Java objects and vice versa.
  • adapter-rxjava2: This dependency provides the Retrofit adapter for RxJava 2, allowing to use RxJava with Retrofit for asynchronous and event-based programming in Android apps.
  • converter-gson: This dependency adds Gson converter to Retrofit, enabling Retrofit to automatically serialize and deserialize JSON data using Gson.
  • retrofit: This dependency includes Retrofit, a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. It simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and processing responses in Android apps.
  • rxandroid: This dependency provides RxAndroid, which is an extension of RxJava for Android development. It enables reactive programming on the Android platform, allowing to compose asynchronous and event-based code more easily.
  • rxjava: This dependency includes RxJava, a Java library for reactive programming. It allows to work with asynchronous data streams and compose complex asynchronous operations in a functional and declarative style.
  • okhttp: This dependency includes OkHttp, a powerful HTTP client for Android and Java applications. It supports HTTP/2, connection pooling, interceptors, and other advanced features for efficient network communication.
  • logging-interceptor: This dependency provides an interceptor for OkHttp, allowing to log HTTP request and response data for debugging and monitoring purposes.
  • circleimageview: This dependency includes CircleImageView, a custom ImageView implementation with circular shape support. It is commonly used for displaying circular profile pictures in Android apps.
  • glide: This dependency provides Glide, a fast and efficient image loading library for Android. It allows to load and display images from various sources (e.g., URLs, local storage) with caching and efficient memory usage.
  • compiler: This dependency is the compiler for Glide annotations, used for generating Glide's API from annotation processing. It helps in optimizing Glide's performance and reducing app size.
  • zoomage: This dependency includes Zoomage, a library for implementing zoomable and pannable images in Android apps. It provides a smooth and intuitive user experience for zooming and navigating large images.
  • toolargetool: This dependency includes a library for detecting and handling large screen sizes in Android apps. It helps in optimizing the UI layout and ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices.
  • autoimageslider: This dependency provides AutoImageSlider, a customizable image slider component for Android apps. It allows to create image carousels or slideshows with automatic scrolling and navigation.
  • androidx-room-ktx: This dependency includes Room Kotlin extensions, which provide Kotlin-specific functionalities and extension functions for working with Room, a SQLite database library for Android.
  • androidx-room-runtime: This dependency includes the Room runtime library, which provides the core functionality for defining and interacting with SQLite databases using Room annotations and APIs.
  • androidx-room-compiler: This dependency includes the Room compiler, which is used to generate SQLite database-related code from Room annotations at compile time.
  • androidx-room-testing: This dependency includes Room testing utilities, which help in writing tests for Room database operations and ensuring the correctness of database-related functionalities.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-android: This dependency provides Kotlin coroutines support for Android, allowing to write asynchronous and non-blocking code more easily using coroutines.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-core: This dependency includes the core Kotlin coroutines library, which provides coroutine primitives and utilities for asynchronous programming in Kotlin.
  • lifecycle-viewmodel: This dependency includes the ViewModel component from the Android Architecture Components, which helps in managing UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware manner.
  • lifecycle-livedata: This dependency includes the LiveData component from the Android Architecture Components, which provides observable data holders that are lifecycle-aware and can be used to update UI components based on data changes.
  • lifecycle-common-java8: This dependency includes the common Java 8 support for the Android Lifecycle library, which enables the use of Java 8 features in lifecycle-aware components.
  • shimmer: This dependency includes Shimmer, a library from Facebook that provides an easy way to add shimmering effect to any view in an Android app. It is commonly used to indicate loading or progress.
  • play-services-ads: This dependency includes the Google Play services Ads SDK, which allows to integrate various types of advertisements into Android app, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded ads.
  • billing: This dependency includes the BillingClient library, which provides APIs for interacting with Google Play Billing to handle in-app purchases and subscriptions in Android apps.
  • webkit: This dependency includes the WebView component from AndroidX, which allows to embed web content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) into Android app. It provides a powerful way to display web pages and web-based content within app.
  • security-crypto: This dependency provides encryption utilities that allow secure storage and access to cryptographic keys and encrypted data in Android apps.
  • review-ktx: This dependency allows seamless integration with the Play Core Library to request user reviews within an Android app using Kotlin extensions.
  • app-update-ktx: This dependency facilitates in-app updates using Kotlin extensions, providing a smoother way to prompt users for app updates via the Play Core Library.
  • dotsindicator: This dependency provides customizable dot indicators to use with ViewPager or ViewPager2 in Android apps for representing page transitions.
  • balloon: This dependency offers an easy-to-use and customizable popup balloon library to display tooltips or messages in Android apps.
  • mpandroidchart: This dependency provides a powerful chart library for Android, enabling the creation of various types of charts like line, bar, and pie charts with rich customization options.

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